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Archives Room, ASL

D-Day at the Polo Grounds

Nearly every professional sports event in the United States was canceled or postponed on June 6, 1944. Roger Allaway looks at one of the few that wasn’t, a benefit soccer tournament at the Polo Grounds featuring ASL teams.

Canada, St. Louis

A soccer Christmas story, 1884

Dave Lange recounts the first international matches in the US, which took place over the Christmas holiday in 1884 between local St. Louis sides and a team representing Canada’s Western Football Association.


RIP, Pelé

The greatest player of in the history of the game has died at the age of 82

Chicago, Fall River

“Talented but Tainted”: Henry “Harry” Boyd in the US, 1891-92

Ed Farnsworth and Kurt Rausch look at the season Scottish-born Henry “Harry” Boyd spent in the US in 1891-92 during which he played for Chicago Thistle, Fall River Olympics, and also Fall River East End, the latter with whom he won the American Cup. Boyd’s playing career in England and Scotland included stints at Sunderland Albion, Burnley, West Bromwich Albion, Third Lanark, Woolwich Arsenal, and Newton Heath.