SASH Session, Friday, March 12 at 1pm ET: “Peters, Clovers, and Blue Chippers: the Emerald Influence on American Soccer” Updated with video

The Society of American Soccer History invites you to join March’s SASH Session, “Peters, Clovers, and Blue Chippers: the Emerald Influence on American Soccer.” The session will take place on Friday, March 12 at 1pm ET and will examine Ireland’s influence on soccer in the United States.

The session will include three presentations:

  • “Peter Peel: Long Journey Home” by Michael Kielty (pronunciation: Keel – Tee), the Head of Department for Arts, Languages and Study Abroad in Dublin Business School in Ireland. Michael works with students from Ireland and the USA in helping them create digital stories, mainly about sports history. He is also former average goalkeeper for Irish soccer teams Home Farm, Tolka Rovers and Clonmel Town and is member of fan-owned Bohemian Football Club in Dublin.
  • “From Celtic Park to Billy Rose’s Diamond Horseshoe” by Pádraig Coyle, a journalist, writer and broadcaster. He has written books, articles and stage plays relating the story of Belfast Celtic. He is the chairman of the Belfast Celtic Society.
  • “‘If Ever There Was a Blue Chipper, This is the Boy’: The Recruitment of Irish Footballers by US Universities for Soccer Scholarships,  1969-2000” by Dr Conor Curran, who is an adjunct lecturer in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin. He has published extensively on the history of sport in Ireland and has recently completed a postdoctoral research fellowship on the history of Physical Education in Ireland at Trinity College Dublin. He has also just completed a Master’s thesis in Education which looked at the remigration of Irish players on US soccer scholarships.

The session, which will be moderated by SASH president Tom McCabe, will be conducted over the SASH Zoom account. Access information below.

Topic: “Peters, Clovers, and Blue Chippers: the Emerald Influence on American Soccer”

Time: Mar 12, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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  1. Eddie kelly

    I would like to join the session on the 12th. I’m from Dublin recently retired, played for the US Team1975 and had a 40 year career in college soccer. 5 yrs at FDU, 3 Seton Hall and 32 Boston College
    cell 5083088988

  2. i love the game so much

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